Enhanced Wellness

What’s all The Hype About Plant Based Foods?


Lots of attention has been given to plant based foods over the recent years due to the many modern day health disparities. While there are several links to food chain demands, increase in fertilization and heavily commercial foods as being precursors, one cannot deny that lifestyle habits and increased access to modernization also plays a role.

Many adults have grown into industrialized jobs, computer sciences and other areas of business success and lesser into farming and livestock. Ancestors embraced plants of the earth as their vital food source, walking more, drinking teas, eating more plant based foods and entertaining activities that demanded more physical movements.

When considering a healthy lifestyle, one needs to incorporate not only healthy, pesticide free, organic based foods but to additionally help their bodies through increasing water intake, being more physically active, introducing less toxins to the body ( ie: alcohol, cigarettes, illicit substances) and engaging in wellness activities which can also include mindfulness techniques, conscious breathing and activities in nature that enhance wellness.

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